VERICO Credit Card ProgramLicensees Only SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE VERICO Credit Card Program Registration Your Name *Your Email *What is your office name? *—Please choose an option—What is your office name? *Terms & ConditionsI wish to participate in the VERICO Credit Card Program and undertake to comply with the following conditions:I understand that I need to send a list of agents that wish to participate including name and email of agents to pin.luk@verico.caI understand that by completing this form and signing up to the VERICO Credit Card Program, my firm’s agents may also participate the VERICO Credit Card Program.I understand that all commission and/or fees earned by myself and/or my firm’s agents will be transmitted by EFT into the bank account VERICO has on file.I understand that payments will be accompanied with a statement which will include referring agent names and client names.I understand that I am responsible for the distribution of any commissions and/or trailer fees earned by my firm’s agents to them directly.I agree to the above conditions. *What is 40+35? * Δ